DUI Victim Impact Panel in Miami

By Jonathan Blecher on April 28, 2016

Routinely imposed as a condition of probation or the Back on Track Miami Diversion Program in DUI cases in Miami, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) presents a panel discussion to hundreds of people each month. In Miami, the groups meet at Miami Southwest Senior High School.

The Victim Impact Panel in Miami is delivered by MADD. The purpose of the VIP program is to help DUI offenders develop awareness the long-term effects of impaired driving, whether by alcohol or drugs. It also serves to create a personal connection to the tragedy and loss felt by victims and their families. MADD’s goal is to change thinking and behavior, and to prevent future offenses from occurring.

The Victim Impact Panel is a court-ordered program, but you can attend voluntarily. Space permitting, you can sit in on the program, which carries a fee of $50.00. If you are not required to attend by court order, you will not get a certificate of attendance.

According to MADD website, they prohibits drinking or drug use before the panel discussion and you may be subject to a breath test before the program begins. If the program officials think you may be under the influence, they won’t let you in. A breath test showing the presence of alcohol might even cause a violation of probation. Please be aware that police officers will be present, as well.

Victim Impact Panel in Miami– Visit the Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) website to learn more about the DUI Victim Impact panels conducted at Miami Southwest Senior High School auditorium.



Miami Southwest Senior High School

8855 Southwest 50th Terrace, Miami, FL 33165, USA

2016 Dates – English

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