What Miami Beach’s Hotel Reopenings Mean for Travelers

By Jonathan Blecher on June 14, 2017

All criminal convictions, whether they’re for misdemeanors or felonies, lead to criminal penalties and sanctions that place a heavy burden upon the defendant, especially as he or she tries to re-enter society, and convictions for Miami driving under the influence (DUI) are no exception.

If you are facing DUI charges in Miami-Dade County, it’s important to understand that beyond the fines, license suspension, DUI School, and other court-ordered penalties, you’ll be faced with other consequences – commonly referred to as “collateral consequences.”

Understandably, felony DUIs lead to serious collateral consequences, but a misdemeanor DUI conviction does too. The problem with collateral consequences is that they can last indefinitely, they can impact a DUI defendant’s life for years, long after the DUI falls off their driving record.

What Are the Collateral Consequences of a DUI?

Suppose you are convicted of DUI in Florida. How can that criminal conviction affect you for years to come? Here are some examples of how the collateral consequences of a DUI conviction can last indefinitely:

  • DUIs come up on background checks.
  • A DUI can bar someone from receiving Security Clearance.
  • A DUI can lead to the denial or cancellation of a professional license.
  • A DUI can bar someone from being accepted into college.
  • A DUI can lead to the denial of college scholarships.
  • A DUI can cause a college athlete to be kicked off the team.
  • A DUI can affect employment opportunities for years.
  • A DUI can affect a person’s ability to rent an apartment or home.
  • A DUI can bar someone from traveling to Canada for 10 years.
  • A felony DUI can affect citizenship and naturalization (for immigrants).
  • A DUI affects auto insurance premiums for years.
  • A DUI can affect a military career, resulting in pay and rank reduction, etc.
  • A DUI can affect child custody decisions, especially if it’s recent.

Unfortunately, the people facing DUI charges may not realize the “collateral consequences” of a DUI conviction; however, they need to be considered as a part of the whole defense approach. Clients are in a better position to decide on a defense strategy when they consider the adverse effects of a DUI conviction, long after the case has closed.

Facing DUI charges in Miami? Contact my firm at once to work with a former prosecutor who is on your side.

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