3 Key Things You Should Know About House Arrest

by Jonathan Blecher | November 17, 2022 | Criminal Defense

After getting a DUI, especially for the first time, many people fear that they will be charged fines or end up in jail. However, even first-time offenders in more serious cases are given an alternative to jail, such as house arrest. According to Florida Statutes Chapter 948.001(3), house arrest is a form of community control […]

Is a plea deal a good deal?

by Jonathan Blecher | November 8, 2022 | Criminal Defense

If you are facing criminal charges, there is a high chance the prosecution will offer you a plea deal. The vast majority of criminal cases take this route these days. While jury trials still happen, and you still have the right to one, their use has declined to less than one in ten cases. This […]

Avoid These 2 Mistakes During a Criminal Investigation

by Jonathan Blecher | October 25, 2022 | Criminal Defense

Florida is one of the toughest states to be charged with a crime. While being arrested and charged with a criminal offense can be stressful, it is important that you do your best to remain calm and understand that your case begins the moment law enforcement pulls you over or knocks at your door to […]

How to Stay Calm When Arrested for DUI

by Jonathan Blecher | October 24, 2022 | DUI

It’s frustrating to be stopped by the police on suspicion of drunk driving, and even more upsetting to face arrest – especially when you think that the officer is being unfair, unreasonable or even acting illegally. However, you need to control your temper and your actions. Regardless of the charges you may be facing, things […]

How Field Sobriety Tests Can Be Flawed

by Jonathan Blecher | October 7, 2022 | DUI

Have you ever had a field sobriety exercises (FSE) conducted with you? It probably felt a little silly having to perform tricks for law enforcement to demonstrate your sobriety, However, your compliance with the police may not have turned out how you expected. Field sobriety exercises are just one of a few tools police may […]