How to Remove Your Mugshot from the Internet

by Jonathan Blecher | April 13, 2021 | Expungement

While plenty of people probably enjoy seeing celebrity mugshots on tabloid covers, the fact is that it can be incredibly embarrassing for the person in question. Mugshots are public information, so even if you are just a regular person trying to leave the past behind you, chances are that you do not want your mugshot […]

Hit-and-Run vs Leaving the Scene: Key Legal Differences

by Jonathan Blecher | March 24, 2021 | Traffic Offenses

Is Leaving the Scene of an Accident the Same as Hit and Run? Simply put, hit and run generally means the same thing as leaving the scene of an accident- it’s the term that’s more familiar to the general public. “Leaving the Scene of An Accident” is used in the legal context. A hit and […]

Hit-and-Run vs DUI: What’s More Severe in Florida?

by Jonathan Blecher | March 10, 2021 | DUI

Hit and Run vs. DUI Regardless of the circumstances, hit and run charges and DUI charges are both serious. Clients often ask me if one is worse than the other, but the bottom line is each charge alone has damaging consequences. Getting accused of both crimes together is even more devastating. Depending on the details […]

How COVID-19 Affects Probation Violation Hearings

by Jonathan Blecher | March 3, 2021 | Probation

Last year, I blogged about the possibilities of being drug or alcohol tested while on probation. Remember that if you’ve been placed on probation for DUI or any other criminal offense expect the possibility that the probation officer may require you to submit to drug or alcohol testing. A positive result on either of the […]

Trick Daddy’s Plea Deal: What You Need to Know About Cocaine Charges

by Jonathan Blecher | February 26, 2021 | Drug DUI, Plea Negotiations

Rapper Trick Daddy, real name Maurice Young, negotiated a plea deal with prosecutors at the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office for his arrest on cocaine possession and DUI charges last January. The terms of the plea required accepting the cocaine possession charge, being sentenced to time served in jail (one day), a criminal conviction for the […]