Prostitution Charges in Miami

by Jonathan Blecher | September 9, 2017 | Criminal Defense

Like marijuana, a lot of people think that prostitution should be legal. However, despite being one of the oldest occupations in existence, prostitution is still very much illegal, except for a small area in Nevada. Why does the government still prosecute people for prostitution despite its popularity? For starters, human trafficking is BIG business and as long as […]

Marijuana DUI in Florida

by Jonathan Blecher | September 6, 2017 | Drug DUI

If you’re a supporter of medical marijuana or marijuana for recreational use, or both, you’ve probably heard how some states have decriminalized marijuana possession for personal use. Colorado, Nevada, California, and Oregon for example, have made it legal for adults to possess a small amount of marijuana for recreational purposes. Medical marijuana is also widely […]

The Role of Video Evidence in DUI Cases

by Jonathan Blecher | August 31, 2017 | DUI

Police dashcam videos show how important the use of video technology can be when defending a DUI case. In the case of one such video, three police officers involved from Oklahoma were suspended for lying in police reports about the DUI arrest. In Miami-Dade County, Florida police agencies across the board discontinued the use of […]

How Accurate Are Blood Tests for DUI Charges?

by Jonathan Blecher | August 28, 2017 | DUI, Sobriety Tests

Some drivers assume that a blood draw test will prove that they are not driving drunk; however, this can be a false assumption. There is little room to argue that the blood alcohol instrument (Gas Chromatograph) has a significant error, sufficient to create reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty. When it comes to testing […]

I Failed the Field Sobriety Tests – Is There Hope That I Can Avoid a Conviction?

by Jonathan Blecher | August 23, 2017 | DUI

When you are pulled over for suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol and the police officer asks you to submit to a few field sobriety tests, in most cases the wise choice is simply to refuse. You can’t be punished for refusal and it is possible that the officer doesn’t […]