Miami DUI Checkpoints

by Jonathan Blecher | July 31, 2017 | DUI

DUI checkpoints, also called “sobriety checkpoints” are locations where law enforcement officers set up to check drivers for signs of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Across the United States, many jurisdictions use DUI checkpoints as a part their anti-drunk driving campaign. Are DUI checkpoints legal? Due to the fact that there are […]

What Happens If You Violate DUI Probation in Florida?

by Jonathan Blecher | July 31, 2017 | DUI

Suppose you were convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) in Miami or anywhere else in Florida. If this was your first DUI, your total period of incarceration and probation could not exceed one year under Sec. 316.193(5)(6) of the Florida Statutes. Assuming you were placed on DUI probation, what would the basic terms of […]

Florida’s ‘Actual Physical Control’ Law

by Jonathan Blecher | July 28, 2017 | DUI

Most licensed drivers in Florida are well-aware of the fact that it’s illegal to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. However, what many people do not realize is that they can actually be arrested, charged, and convicted of DUI even if they weren’t driving at all. A person can be convicted of “driving under the […]

Criminal Restitution in Florida

by Jonathan Blecher | July 27, 2017 | Criminal Defense

When someone is convicted of a crime in Florida, typically the penalties will involve jail, probation, community service, and fines. Depending on the facts of the case, one of the penalties may involve restitution. What is restitution? In criminal cases, restitution may be a condition handed down by a judge. Restitution involves repaying money to a victim […]

Debunking Common Myths About Drunk Driving

by Jonathan Blecher | July 20, 2017 | DUI

Drinking and driving is a serious subject matter that comes with severe consequences. While most states have a clearly set limit for Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of .08, it can still be tricky to know if you’ve passed that limit, unless you own a personal breathalyzer. In Miami, if you have a BAC level between […]