The Driver License Compact: How It Affects Your DUI in Florida

by Jonathan Blecher | July 17, 2017 | DUI

Since Miami is a magnet for tourists and “snowbirds,” DUI attorneys see their fair share of out-of-towners who are arrested for DUI. If you were arrested for driving under the influence while visiting Miami, you’re probably wondering how a Florida DUI will affect your driving privileges in your home state. Will your home state find […]

Sobriety Checkpoints in Florida: Can You Legally Turn Around?

by Jonathan Blecher | July 14, 2017 | DUI

You’re driving home after having a few drinks with friends and you notice something that no driver ever enjoys seeing – a sobriety checkpoint. Is it worth the risk of going through the checkpoint when you know there is some alcohol in your system, considering many people are arrested at sobriety checkpoints despite low breath […]

How a DUI Can Impact Your Credit Score and Financial Health

At first glance, a DUI and your credit may seem unrelated, but they can be connected in more ways than one. For instance, the fact that most DUI-related costs can be put on a credit card is one reason why a DUI can cause credit scores to tank. Essentially, if you don’t have the cash […]

Facing a 2nd DUI Charge in Florida: What Are the Penalties?

by Jonathan Blecher | June 30, 2017 | DUI

Getting arrested for driving under the influence can be a nerve-racking event. Now, getting arrested for your second DUI, that’s a whole different story. As a general rule of thumb, the sentencing and penalties for crimes get worse with each subsequent offense, and DUI is NO exception. If you’ve been convicted of DUI in Florida […]

Can I Get Deported for a DUI?

by Jonathan Blecher | June 28, 2017 | DUI

Miami is infamous for its large population of immigrants who come from places such as Cuba, Central America, and South America. With so many immigrants living in Miami-Dade County, it’s understandable why many Miami residents are concerned about the immigration consequences. Florida has some of the toughest laws in the nation, and DUI is no […]