Category: DUI

How Do I Avoid a DUI?

by Jonathan Blecher | October 2, 2019 | DUI

If you’re like a lot of people, you enjoy drinking alcohol on occasion. After all, drinking is practically an American pastime. In the United States, it’s common for people to drink at weddings, holiday gatherings, family barbeques, Super Bowl parties, birthday parties, divorce parties, football games, concerts, and so on. Since alcohol is frequently available […]

Drugs That Can Lead to DUI Charges in Florida

by Jonathan Blecher | September 4, 2019 | DUI

In Florida, the state’s driving under the influence (DUI) law can be found under Section 316.193 of the Florida Statutes. Under Florida law, a person is guilty of DUI when they are driving or are in actual physical control of a vehicle within Florida and they are under the influence of alcohol, any chemical substance […]

Overcoming the Stigma of a DUI Conviction in Florida

by Jonathan Blecher | May 8, 2019 | DUI

Some people view the offense of driving under the influence (DUI) as no big deal. While it is an offense that is commonly committed by normal people, not necessarily hardened criminals, I assure you the stigma of a DUI conviction can last a lifetime and hinder a DUI offender practically everywhere they turn. If you are facing […]

Sleeping in Your Car and DUI: Can You Be Charged in Florida?

by Jonathan Blecher | May 1, 2019 | DUI

Let’s say you heard a friend say, “I was arrested for DUI the other night while I was parked in a parking lot and sleeping off the alcohol that I drank earlier in the evening.” When you heard the story, you were shocked and then you responded with, “But how could you get a DUI […]

How to Handle a DUI Stop: What Not to Say

by Jonathan Blecher | March 14, 2019 | DUI

By their nature, traffic stops, especially DUI stops are highly-stressful events that tend to cause a racing heart, faster breathing, nervousness, and perhaps no inner monologue. Because people are anxious during DUI stops, they have a habit of saying things they shouldn’t. Here’s a list of what NOT to say during a DUI stop. 1. […]