Category: DUI

DUI: What if I Don’t Take a Breath Test?

by Jonathan Blecher | March 7, 2019 | DUI

When someone is pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI), usually the officer will ask the driver to take field sobriety exercises (FSEs), then when the driver fails the tests, the officer will ask the driver to take a roadside breath test. It’s critical that all Florida drivers know that they are not legally […]

What Constitutes Police Misconduct in a DUI Case?

by Jonathan Blecher | February 18, 2019 | DUI

In all occupations, employees or workers have the opportunity to make a good choice or a bad choice, and law enforcement officers are no different. Not only can law enforcement have errors in judgement like everybody else, but they are human and they too, can make mistakes. So, can police misconduct occur in a DUI case? […]

Can a DUI Affect Child Custody?

by Jonathan Blecher | February 11, 2019 | DUI

Child custody cases are common during and after a divorce, but they can also arise in a paternity action or in situations where the mother and father were never married, but paternity has been legally established. If you are a mother or a father in Miami-Dade County or anywhere else in Florida and you are […]

Can Over-the-Counter Supplements Lead to a DUI Charge?

by Jonathan Blecher | November 22, 2018 | DUI

Each state has enacted its own driving under the influence (DUI) laws and while there are many similarities from state-to-state, there are some nuances. For example, here in Florida, it’s illegal to drive under the influence of alcoholic beverages, a chemical substance like nitrous oxide, and any controlled substance including over-the-counter drugs, such as those formulated for […]

How a DUI Conviction Can Impact the Nexus Program

by Jonathan Blecher | October 22, 2018 | DUI

The NEXUS Program was established by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. NEXUS was created to help certain low-risk travelers so they can enjoy expedited processing while they enter the United States and Canada. In order to become a member of the program, you have to be pre-screened and undergo a background check. You cannot be […]