Category: DUI

Can a DUI Affect Global Entry?

by Jonathan Blecher | October 15, 2018 | DUI

Do you travel abroad frequently through Miami International Airport (MIA) or through any other U.S. airport with Global Entry Kiosks? If so, I assume you’re a frequent traveler and most likely because of your occupation, though you may travel frequently for pleasure. If you are a proud member of the Global Entry Program, you know, […]

Can I Get a DUI if I’m Not Driving?

by Jonathan Blecher | September 20, 2018 | DUI

It’s common knowledge that it’s unlawful to drive a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or a combination of drugs and alcohol, but what fewer people are aware of is that it’s also unlawful to be under the influence, driving or “in actual physical control” of a vehicle. “Actual physical control,” what […]

Can a DUI Impact Your Ability to Travel Internationally?

by Jonathan Blecher | September 12, 2018 | DUI

If you were arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) charges of drugs or alcohol in Miami and you have plans to travel outside the United States, it makes sense for you to consider if a DUI conviction can affect your ability to travel abroad. “Will a DUI conviction stop me from getting a U.S. […]

How Your Florida DUI Affects Your Car Insurance Rates

by Jonathan Blecher | August 20, 2018 | DUI

Whenever a Florida driver is charged with driving under the influence (DUI), it’s not long before they start to think, “If I’m convicted of DUI, how will my insurance premiums be impacted?” The answer, “They’ll increase…by a lot.” When a driver has a major violation, such as DUI, their auto insurance premiums can skyrocket for […]

Understanding the Legality of DUI Checkpoints in Florida

by Jonathan Blecher | August 7, 2018 | DUI

Have you heard of, or seen a DUI (sobriety) checkpoint before? “Sobriety checkpoints (also called DUI checkpoints) are locations where law enforcement officers are stationed to check drivers for signs of intoxication and impairment,” according to the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA). Most states incorporate DUI checkpoints as part of their anti-drinking and driving campaigns. DUI […]