Category: DUI

DUI Crashes and Texting While Driving – Who is Most at Risk?

by Jonathan Blecher | March 9, 2017 | DUI, Traffic Offenses

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration collects statistics on impaired driving and publishes them for use by government agencies, law enforcement and the public. According to a NHTSA report, 1 in 3 people will have their lives touched by a DUI-related incident, whether as a victim, witness or offender. The report also went on to […]

You Have the Right to Remain Silent – So What?

by Jonathan Blecher | March 8, 2017 | DUI, Sobriety Tests

This scene is played out every day, all across the country. Drivers are stopped and arrested for DUI and read their Miranda warnings, either on the road or at the station. People are told they have the right to remain silent and they have the right to speak with an attorney, and to have one […]

Can Police Charge Me With Breath Test Refusal Even if I Tried to Blow?

by Jonathan Blecher | March 6, 2017 | DUI, Sobriety Tests

According to Florida Law, any person who accepts the privilege of operating a motor vehicle consents to submit to an approved chemical test to check for illegal alcohol content or the presence of a controlled substance. Authorities use a breath or blood test for alcohol and a urine/blood test for drugs, but there is no […]

Can a Florida DUI Prevent You from Getting a Passport?

by Jonathan Blecher | December 13, 2016 | DUI

When you are convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) in Miami and throughout Florida, not only will you face probation, jail, and fines, but other aspects of your life will be affected as well. What other aspects am I referring to? Some of them include your auto insurance premiums, your ability to obtain a college scholarship […]

First DUI Offense: Do You Need an Ignition Interlock Device?”

by Jonathan Blecher | November 3, 2016 | DUI

If you are familiar with Florida’s DUI laws, you may be aware of the fact that Section 316.193 of the Florida Statutes requires that certain DUI offenders install Ignition Interlock Devices (IIDs). If you’re not familiar with IIDs, they are a small breath testing device that is connected to a person’s vehicle. The IID is […]