Category: DUI
Should you contest a DUI?
by Jonathan Blecher | May 18, 2022 | DUI
Drunk driving is one of the simplest ways to become a criminal without intending to. A criminal record can haunt you for life, so it is crucial to do all you can to fight a DUI charge in Miami. Getting legal help to understand your options will be crucial to that. Yet many people never […]
How do you know if you are safe to drive after drinking?
by Jonathan Blecher | May 16, 2022 | DUI
You may have carefully calculated how much you drink before driving home without a problem for years. Then one day, the police pulled you over and asked you to perform a Breathalyzer test which you failed. There are two possible scenarios. You may have been wrong all along about how much you could safely drink […]
What if I decline the breath test during a DUI traffic stop?
by Jonathan Blecher | May 10, 2022 | DUI
The result of a breath, blood or urine test often is the strongest piece of evidence in a DUI case. But when it comes to the breath test, at least, the police cannot make you take one without your consent. So what happens if you refuse to take the test? Could the officer have to […]
Drunk Driving Regulations a Key Issue in New Infrastructure Bill
by Jonathan Blecher | March 24, 2022 | DUI
Drunk driving is a serious issue facing legislators and policymakers. How can you fix something that is different in every case? Finding solutions to these issues can prove beneficial for everyone but difficult to implement. With the passage of infrastructure bill HR 3684, legislators hope that providing additional regulations and safety rules will help save […]
The Canada-U.S. border is reopening! Will a criminal record prevent a visit?
by Jonathan Blecher | August 5, 2021 | DUI, Criminal Defense
Just after midnight on August 9, 2021, the Canada-U.S. border will finally reopen for recreational travel. This is huge news for people and businesses on both sides of the border, marking the end of 16 months of severe travel restrictions. Fully vaccinated U.S. citizens and green card holders will finally be able enter into Canada, […]