Category: Firm News
What’s Next for DUI Diversion Programs in Florida?
by Jonathan Blecher | February 18, 2020 | Firm News
Proposed House Bill HB 1145/Senate Bill SB 1396 (2020) attempt to establish parameters for a statewide DUI Diversion Program. As the bills stand, they create a hodgepodge of poorly designed, impractical, punitive, and sometimes optional, requirements. While I think it’s a great idea in theory, most State Senators and State Representatives on the Criminal Justice […]
Airport Amnesty Box Theft: What Happens If You Take Marijuana?
by Jonathan Blecher | January 28, 2020 | Firm News, Drug DUI, Medical Marijuana, Traffic Offenses
Illinois became the first state to legalize and regulate adult-use cannabis through its legislative process, starting January 1, 2020. While cannabis is legal in Illinois, it’s not legal to take it on a plane with you. That’s against federal law. Forward-thinking Illinois authorities decided to give travelers a last-ditch effort to dump their weed before […]
Eligibility and Benefits of the Back on Track Program
by Jonathan Blecher | September 11, 2019 | Firm News
Every state handles driving under the influence (DUI) differently. In some states, a first-time DUI defendant may be able to get away with probation, while in other states, a jail sentence after a first DUI is almost guaranteed, even if it’s short. Sometimes, the legal alternatives vary from county to county. For instance, here in Miami-Dade County, we […]
When Does Florida Try Juveniles as Adults?
by Jonathan Blecher | May 29, 2019 | Firm News
“What does it mean for a juvenile to be tried as an adult?” It means the juvenile is charged or otherwise prosecuted as an adult. In other words, the juvenile is charged as if he or she were a legal adult. If a juvenile is prosecuted as an adult in Florida, he or she will face the […]
Mandatory Ignition Interlock Devices: Iowa becomes the 32nd All Offender State
by Jonathan Blecher | July 6, 2018 | Firm News
In March, 2018 Governor Kim Reynolds signed HB 2338 into law. This Bill requires an ignition interlock device be installed on all motor vehicles operated by a person with a restricted or temporary license.The Bill signed into law in March propelled Iowa to become the 32nd all offender state (DUI) in the nation. On July […]